Este es para Enrique IV, un sobrino-nieto de una generación de "enriques", jajjaja. (Como su padre juega a rugby, se quedó encantado con el motivo). Un besazo
I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this post. This has been an inspiration for me. I’ve passed this on to a friend of mine.
Hi dude, you may have a great blog site. I enjoy it. And I feel several folks will enjoy too. Why not attempt more challenging to optimize your site, so it will likely be much easier to find this web site in search engine. I don’t know how to, but I realize you’ll be able to do somewhat tweak with your website to get a superior position. Numerous folks will thanks for the wonderful data. Great task!
11 comentarios:
Te ha quedado fenomenal!!!!!!!!!!.
Buen fin de semana
Hola Feli te quedo muy bonito.
Muchas gracias por pasar por mi casita....tu si que tienes sensibilidad ocn los hilos....muchos besitos rellenitos de hilos de colores...muak
Que preciosidad, es una monada. Me encanta. Besos.Lis
I would like to thank you for the efforts you have made in writing this post. This has been an inspiration for me. I’ve passed this on to a friend of mine.
Que bonito, Que simpatico....
mi mamá es una artista! =)
Precioso!!! te felicito bordas muy lindo.
Hi dude, you may have a great blog site. I enjoy it. And I feel several folks will enjoy too. Why not attempt more challenging to optimize your site, so it will likely be much easier to find this web site in search engine. I don’t know how to, but I realize you’ll be able to do somewhat tweak with your website to get a superior position. Numerous folks will thanks for the wonderful data. Great task!
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Que lindo bordado!! te quedo hermoso el cuadrito!!!
Buen domingo. Besos.
Hola feli ahora no nos vemos a ver si coincidimos algun día, el cuadro es muy bonito besos
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